
The Book of Wisdom

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Osho is known around the world for his pioneering contribution to meditation — the science of inner transformation — with the unique approach of his “Osho Active Meditations” acknowledging the accelerated pace of the contemporary world and bringing meditation into modern life. Based on the Seven Points of Mind Training by the 11th-century Buddhist mystic Atisa, The Book of Wisdom removes the dust of tradition that has gathered around meditation, conveying the essential science and methodology of the practice with a freshness and spontaneity that is rarely found in contemporary spiritual works. The book is a guide for inner discipline and transformation that is also highly accessible, incorporating light, often humorous question-and-answer sessions between the author and his audience that help readers make the practical connection between spiritual theory and meditation as a lifestyle.
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748 páginas impresas
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  • Stoyan Topalovcompartió su opiniónhace 4 años


  • Shubhendu Kumarcompartió una citahace 2 años
    are living in a dream. We are asleep, even when we think we are awake.
  • Shubhendu Kumarcompartió una citahace 2 años
    First, objects will lose their objectivity. And second, the subject will lose its subjectivity. And that brings you to a transcendence. The object is no longer important, the subject is no longer important, then what is left? A transcendental consciousness: bodhichitta—just a witnessing, with no idea of “I” and “thou”; just a pure mirror which reflects that which is.

    And God is nothing but that which is.
  • Shubhendu Kumarcompartió una citahace 2 años
    Think that all phenomena are like dreams.

    First, objects will lose their objectivity. And second, the subject will lose its subjectivity. And that brings you to a transcendence. The object is no longer important, the subject is no longer important, then what is left? A transcendental consciousness: bodhichitta—just a witnessing, with no idea of “I” and “thou”; just a pure mirror which reflects that which is.

    And God is nothing but that which is.

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