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Shad Helmstetter

What to Say When You Talk to Your Self

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The international Self-Talk best-seller, updated in this new eBook edition.

Each of us is programmed from birth on, and as much as 75% or more of our programming may be negative or working against us. In this newly updated and revised eBook edition, Shad Helmstetter shows the reader how to erase and replace past mental programs with healthy, new programs that can be positively life-changing. Considered by many to be one of the most important and helpful personal growth books ever written.
Este libro no está disponible por el momento.
197 páginas impresas
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  • Ricardo Garciencompartió su opiniónhace 4 años
    👍Me gustó
    💡He aprendido mucho
    🎯Justo en el blanco

    Desearía que se encontrara en español para que más personas puedan entender como se forma nuestra personalidad...

    Gran libro, es claro con los temas que debemos tratar y enfrentar al igual que cuenta con ejemplos útiles y necesarios.



  • Faizacompartió una citahace 5 años
    You are everything that is,

    Your thoughts, your life, your dreams come true.

    You are everything you choose to be.

    You are as unlimited as the endless universe.
  • supernovacompartió una citahace 5 años
    As I said, when you first begin to talk out loud to yourself, you might feel a little strange or foolish. I know I did. But in a day or two, the benefits will outweigh the minor embarrassment it might have taken to get started. In a short while, you will find yourself talking to yourself in the car, while you are alone in the office, while you’re on a walk—anywhere at all.
  • supernovacompartió una citahace 5 años
    There is, however, a less conspicuous and safer way to use self-conversation, and it is a way I recommend you try at your next available opportunity. I refer to it as shower talk, and it works like this: Tomorrow morning, when you step into the shower, say “Good morning!” to yourself. Say it out loud, and say it with a smile in your voice. Greet the day with your chin up, your attitude high, and tell yourself just how great the day ahead is going to be. “You look great today! You feel good, you’re in good shape, and you’re ready to tackle anything!”

    And then respond––give yourself an answer back. “I feel terrific! Today especially! I feel good, I like who I am and I’m glad to be alive and going for it!”

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