“Punch, or the London Charivari” is an iconic satirical magazine established in 1841, renowned for its witty commentaries on contemporary society, politics, and culture. The publication employs a blend of humor, caricature, and social critique, drawing upon the rich tradition of British satire. Through a diverse array of illustrated articles, cartoons, and parodies, “Punch” offers a distinctive lens on Victorian life, reflecting both the absurdities and the sociopolitical challenges of the era, while influencing public opinion and literary discourse across subsequent generations. The collective authorship of “Punch” features esteemed writers, artists, and social commentators, including the likes of Henry Mayhew and George Sala, whose backgrounds in journalism and illustration provided the magazine with depth and variety. The contributors saw their work as a vital form of commentary during a period marked by rapid industrialization and significant social change, motivating them to engage both the elite and the common populace in themes of reform, morality, and humor. This volume serves as an invaluable resource for scholars and enthusiasts of Victorian literature, humor, and social history. Its rich tapestry of satire not only entertains but also informs, making it essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the intricate interplay between art and societal critique in 19th-century England.