Chris Scullion

The SNES Encyclopedia

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“If you didn’t grow up with an SNES and are curious to know about games like Chrono TriggerSuper Metroid and more, then this is the book for you.” —Got Game 
Following on from the previously released NES EncyclopediaThe SNES Encyclopedia is the ultimate resource for fans of Nintendo’s second home video game console, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
Containing detailed information on all 780 games released for the SNES in the west, this enormous book is full of screenshots, trivia and charmingly bad jokes. It also includes a bonus section covering the entire twenty-two-game library of the Virtual Boy, Nintendo’s ill-fated 3D system which was released at the end of the SNES’s life.
“Without question, The SNES Encyclopedia: Every Game Released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System makes for an excellent video game library addition. It’s an economical and well-crafted book of Nintendo’s 16-bit history, and it’s sure to leave you yearning for the days of Super Mario World’s vibrant colors, Super Metroid’s intoxicating atmosphere, and Super Punch Out!!’s incredible tension. If you already own The NES Encyclopedia, you’ll know what to expect, but if you’re just starting a collection of video game-themed books, you can’t go wrong with this condense and informative offering.” —Nintendo World Report
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