Dante Alighieri

The Divine Comedy

  • putriioktcompartió una citahace 3 años
    There is no greater woe than in misery to remember the happy time
  • b6221027333compartió una citahace 9 meses
    the Lovee was turning which moves the Sun and the other stars.
  • b6221027333compartió una citahace 9 meses
    Midway upon the road of our life I found myself within a dark wood, for the right way had been missed.
  • b4327676054compartió una citahace 7 años
    Midway upon the road of our life I found myself within a dark wood, for the right way had been missed.
  • najlapriti08compartió una citahace 3 meses
    Then was the fear a little quieted which in the lake of my heart had lasted through the night that I passed so piteously.
  • b6221027333compartió una citahace 9 meses
    O human race, born to fly up‍­ward, why be‍­fore a little wind dost thou so fall?
  • b6221027333compartió una citahace 9 meses
    Consider ye your origin; ye were not made to live as brutes, but for pursuit of virtue and of knowledge.
  • b6221027333compartió una citahace 9 meses
    the more perfect a thing is the more it feels the good, and so the pain.
  • jellybellycompartió una citahace 2 años
    Love, that on gentle heart quickly lays hold, seized him for the fair person that was taken from me, and the mode still hurts me. Love, which absolves no loved one from loving, seized me for the pleasing of him so strongly that, as thou seest, it does not even now abandon me. Love brought us to one death.
  • Eliscompartió una citahace 2 años

    We at last arrived within the deep ditches that encompass that disconsolate city. The walls seemed to me to be of iron.
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