Foreign people did not know the Hungarian music, so they associated it with a poor quality
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National identity is the extent to which a given culture recognizes and identifies with its unique characteristics.” (Herskovits, 1948)
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Exclusive National Places
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countries and cities can offer exclusivity through unique national entertainment service for destinations attracting more tourists in order to improve the quality of time spent in a given country.
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Place platform is dominant in the field of creativity – several countries and cities emerge with creative nation branding such as Singapore
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approach manifested in governmental institutions; 2. according to bottom-up approach manifested in local professional alliances and new companies.
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according to top-down ap
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In Florida’s (2002) creative class musicians make up a small subset which also includes artists, scientists, engineers, educators, programmers, researchers, designers and media workers as part of a ‘super creative core’
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good example is Switzerland where a cluster of creative class fostering innovation in education, science and art as a new tool for country branding
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Accessibility, rent levels, available land, tax regimes and subsidies are hard factors, meanwhile residential environment, public space, meeting places; (sub)cultural scene, tolerance and atmosphere are soft factors for choosing locations