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The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

  • Soliloquios Literarioscompartió una citahace 5 años
    We some­times dis­puted, and very fond we were of ar­gu­ment, and very de­sirous of con­fut­ing one an­other, which dis­pu­ta­tious turn, by the way, is apt to be­come a very bad habit, mak­ing people of­ten ex­tremely dis­agree­able in com­pany by the con­tra­dic­tion that is ne­ces­sary to bring it into prac­tice; and thence, be­sides sour­ing and spoil­ing the con­ver­sa­tion, is pro­duct­ive of dis­gusts and, per­haps en­mit­ies where you may have oc­ca­sion for friend­ship. I had caught it by read­ing my father’s books of dis­pute about re­li­gion. Per­sons of good sense, I have since ob­served, sel­dom fall into it, ex­cept law­yers, uni­ver­sity men, and men of all sorts that have been bred at Ed­in­bor­ough.
  • yuliayuliadwicompartió una citahace 8 años
    it was extremely agreeable to hear
  • PS investorcompartió una citahace 10 meses
    one man of tol­er­able abil­it­ies may work great changes, and ac­com­plish great af­fairs among man­kind, if he first forms a good plan, and, cut­ting off all amuse­ments or other em­ploy­ments that would di­vert his at­ten­tion, makes the ex­e­cu­tion of that same plan his sole study and busi­ness.
  • PS investorcompartió una citael año pasado
    the task should be a ver­sion of the eight­eenth Psalm, which de­scribes the des­cent of a Deity.
  • PS investorcompartió una citael año pasado
    man be­ing some­times more gen­er­ous when he has but a little money than when he has plenty, per­haps through fear of be­ing thought to have but little.
  • PS investorcompartió una citael año pasado
    I re­mem­ber his be­ing dis­suaded by some of his friends from the un­der­tak­ing, as not likely to suc­ceed, one news­pa­per be­ing, in their judg­ment, enough for Amer­ica.
  • ann karagwacompartió una citahace 2 años
    I grew con­vinced that truth, sin­cer­ity and in­teg­rity in deal­ings between man and man were of the ut­most im­port­ance to the fe­li­city of life; and I formed writ­ten res­ol­u­tions, which still re­main in my journal book, to prac­tice them ever while I lived.
  • ann karagwacompartió una citahace 2 años

    Eat not to dull­ness; drink not to el­ev­a­tion.


    Speak not but what may be­ne­fit oth­ers or your­self; avoid tri­fling con­ver­sa­tion.


    Let all your things have their places; let each part of your busi­ness have its time.


    Re­solve to per­form what you ought; per­form without fail what you re­solve.


    Make no ex­pense but to do good to oth­ers or your­self; i.e., waste noth­ing.


    Lose no time; be al­ways em­ployed in some­thing use­ful; cut off all un­ne­ces­sary ac­tions.


    Use no hurt­ful de­ceit; think in­no­cently and justly; and, if you speak, speak ac­cord­ingly.


    Wrong none by do­ing in­jur­ies, or omit­ting the be­ne­fits that are your duty.


    Avoid ex­tremes; for­bear re­sent­ing in­jur­ies so much as you think they de­serve.


    Tol­er­ate no un­clean­li­ness in body, clothes, or hab­it­a­tion.


    Be not dis­turbed at trifles, or at ac­ci­dents com­mon or un­avoid­able.



    Imit­ate Je­sus and So­crates.
  • ann karagwacompartió una citahace 2 años
    Keep­ing holy the Sab­bath day. 2. Be­ing di­li­gent in read­ing the holy Scrip­tures. 3. At­tend­ing duly the pub­lic wor­ship. 4. Par­tak­ing of the Sac­ra­ment. 5. Pay­ing a due re­spect to God’s min­is­ters
  • ann karagwacompartió una citahace 2 años
    Keep­ing holy the Sab­bath day. 2. Be­ing di­li­gent in read­ing the holy Scrip­tures. 3. At­tend­ing duly the pub­lic wor­ship. 4. Par­tak­ing of the Sac­ra­ment. 5. Pay­ing a due re­spect to God’s min­is­ters
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