Alba Isabel Lamar,Ann M. Avilés,Cristina Valencia Mazzanti,Erica R. Dávila,Ganiva Reyes,Jesus A. Tirado,Juan F. Carrillo,Lucia I. Mock Muñoz de Luna,Lynette Guzmán,Mario I. Suárez,Martha Allexsaht-Snider,Richard D. Benson II,Stacy Saathoff

Latinx Curriculum Theorizing

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This edited volume is a collection of empirical scholarship that focuses on curriculum as knowledge connected to the Latinx diaspora from three perspectives: content/subject matter; goals, objectives, and purposes; and experiences. In an effort to fill a void in scholarship in curriculum studies/theory for/from Latinx perspectives, this book is a beginning toward answering two important questions: first, what is the significance of the presence and absence of Latinx curriculum theorizing? And second, in what ways is Latinx curriculum theorizing connected to curriculum, as a general concept, schools’ purposes, goals, and objectives and curriculum as autobiographical? This book opens a door into understanding curriculum for/from an important population in U.S. society.
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