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Reyna Biddy

I Love My Love

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The debut collection from 22-year-old poet Reyna Biddy, I Love My Love tells the story of Reyna's childhood, her parents’ toxic relationship, and how, against all odds, she learned to love herself.
Este libro no está disponible por el momento.
59 páginas impresas
Año de publicación
¿Ya lo leíste? ¿Qué te pareció?


  • Bagul Bazarovacompartió su opiniónhace 5 años
    👍Me gustó


  • Larilyn Cristcompartió su opiniónhace 7 años


  • wmaliticompartió su opiniónhace 4 años
    👍Me gustó

    ♥️ my heart healed alittle from this pages


  • leticiamarie00compartió una citahace 7 años
    How many times do you have to be hurt, humiliated,
    thrown in the fire and burned,
    embarrassed, neglected,
    thrown in the ocean and forgotten,
    lonely, bruised,
    thrown under the bus and damaged,
    broken, confused,
    thrown in the mud after being used..
    terrified, and stuck
    till you realize that love doesn’t?
  • qwezqw2zqwecompartió una citahace 6 años
    love note:
    love doesn’t hurt. love heals.
    anything or anyone that hurts you is not love.
    people who don’t know how to love, hurt.
    anything or anyone that stunts your growth, is not love.
    no matter how perfect it may seem—some days.
    there’s no such thing as a flower blooming beautifully—
    without consistency..
    without loyalty..
    without attention..
    without water..
    without real love.
    remember this.
    no more letting people in this way.
    no more letting shit slide.
    no more wondering.
    no more late night cries.
    no more trying to be the best me,
    for people who don’t really “see” me.
  • Nia Douglascompartió una citahace 7 años
    you spend too much time guarding your heart and not enough time nurturing it.

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