heath of life presents no bloom; Sweet Hope, ethereal balm upon me shed, And wave thy silver pinions o'er my head.
b7932192132compartió una citahace 5 años
When by my solitary hearth I sit, And hateful thoughts enwrap my soul in gloom; When no fair dreams before my "mind's eye" flit, And the bare
Alexandra Skitiovacompartió una citahace 3 años
Bright as the humming-bird's green diadem, When it flutters in sun-beams that shine through a fountain?
b7932192132compartió una citahace 5 años
Whene'er the fate of those I hold most dear Tells to my fearful breast a tale of sorrow, O bright-eyed Hope, my morbid fancy cheer; Let me awhile thy sweetest comforts borrow: