Dale Carnegie

The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking

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About the Author : Dale Carnegie (Nov. 24, 1888 — Nov. 1, 1955) was an American writer and lecturer, and the developer of courses in self-Improvement, Salesmanship, Corporate training, Public speaking, and Internal personal skills. One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people's behaviour by changing one's behaviour towards them. All of his books are international best seller.About the Book : The book focuses on the modern techniques for effective speaking. It highlights the fundamentals of effective speaking and how to develop self-confidence and act confident. Be sure, one must be excited about the subjects. The book narrates — 'how to talk in terms of listeners' Interests,' 'how to make short talk to get action', 'what audience may expect from you', 'what you want the audience to do', 'be mentally ready to speak impromptu' And the very important aspect is to put your heart into speaking.
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  • dimetrioalonzo1508compartió una citahace 3 años
    “If you care enough for a result, you will most certainly attain it.”

    Is it? Tapi menurut pengalaman sih iya , ketika kamu pengen nilai ulangan terbaik , kamu mendapatkannya. Ketika punya visi yang jelas , kamu bisa mencapainya. Mungkin selama ini , ketidakberhasilan kita datang dari ketidakmampuan kita menghasilkan visi yang jelas?

  • dimetrioalonzo1508compartió una citahace 3 años
    The second guidepost, then, is to picture yourself as successfully doing what now fear to do, and to concentrate on the benefits you will receive through your ability to talk acceptably before groups
  • dimetrioalonzo1508compartió una citahace 3 años
    In almost any subject, your passion for the subject will save you. If you care enough for a result, you will most certainly attain it. If you wish to be good, you will be good. If you wish to be rich, you will be rich. If you wish to be learned, you will be learned. Only then you must really wish these things and wish them with exclusiveness and not wish one hundred other incompatible things just as strongly.”

    What do you wish for?
    I wish for wealth
    I wish for good family
    I wish for courage to move forward
    I wish for succesful life
    I wish to be me , pure me

    Do it one by one , focus on one thing at a time

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