Yoko Ogawa

The Diving Pool

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The first major English translation of one of contemporary Japan's most celebrated, award-winning authors.
Beautiful, twisted and brilliant – discover Yoko Ogawa.
A lonely teenaged girl falls in love with her foster-brother as she watches him leap from a high diving board into a pool – an unspoken infatuation that draws out darker possibilities.
A young woman records the daily moods of her pregnant sister in a diary, but rather than a story of growth the diary reveals a more sinister tale of greed and repulsion.
Out of nostalgia, a woman visits her old college dormitory on the outskirts of Tokyo. There she finds an isolated world shadowed by decay, haunted by absent students and the disturbing figure of the crippled caretaker.

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129 páginas impresas
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  • Dexter Calledocompartió una citahace 3 años
    "Still, being alone doesn't mean you have to be miserable. In that sense it's different from losing something. You've still got yourself, even if you lose everything else. You've got to have faith in yourself and not get down just because you're on your own."
  • Dexter Calledocompartió una citahace 3 años
    I remember being delighted to be alone in that special place, just the two of us; but I'm sure it must have been even more wonderful then, when we were young and knew nothing about the pain of growing up.
  • ;compartió una citahace 6 años
    I'm bathed in a moist film that smells vaguely of chlorine.

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