Adam Thomas,Matthias Middell,Alexander Golovlev,Amber N. Nickell,Austin E. Loignon,Colin D. Howell,Daryl Leeworthy,Debra Reddin van Tuyll,Donna Gabaccia,Giacomo Canepa,Kristen D. Burton,Margrit Pernau,Susanne Lachenicht,William Roka

Yearbook of Transnational History

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The Yearbook of Transnational History is dedicated to disseminating pioneering research in the field of transnational history. This inaugural volume provides readers with articles on topics such as soccer, travel, music, and social policy. These articles highlight the movement of ideas, people, policies, and practices across various cultures and societies and explore the relations and connections, and spaces created by these movements. These articles make clear that historical phenomena from travel to music cannot be contained and explained within just one national setting.
The volume offers, further, a number of theoretical and methodological articles that provide insights into the concept of transnational history and the approach of intercultural transfer studies. Last but not least, the volume also includes a number of review articles. These review articles provide an examination of books central to teaching transnational history as well as a historiographical exploration of the impact of transnational history on the field of sports history.
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