Andrea Owen

How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t

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No-punches-pulled advice to women who want to stop undermining their own happiness once and for all.

From the bitchy inner critic and imposter complex to the prison of perfectionism, Andrea Owen—an internationally sought-after life coach—distils what’s behind the 14 silent habits that are holding women back from experiencing life to the fullest and provides a roadmap for overcoming them.

The straight-shooting advice in How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t will have you ditching your self-destructive tendencies and feeling happier in no time.
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213 páginas impresas
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  • tytacompartió su opiniónhace 5 años
    👍Me gustó
    🙈Ni fu ni fa
    💡He aprendido mucho
    🎯Justo en el blanco


  • Rahma Kalboussicompartió una citahace 2 años
    One of the biggest reasons women experience extreme discomfort feeling proud is the belief that pride is equivalent to narcissism or bragging
  • Rahma Kalboussicompartió una citahace 2 años
    comparisons can be a real ass-kicker.
  • Rahma Kalboussicompartió una citahace 2 años
    I compare myself to other people all the time. Even strangers. I feel like everyone else has it all sorted, all covered and all together… but not me. I tell myself I’ll never have what I want or desire and always be on my own because I’m not one of those people that gets what they want out of life. I’m not as lucky as other people; I’m not smart, pretty, or funny enough.

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