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Arthur Kurzweil

Kabbalah For Dummies

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Kabbalah For Dummies presents a balanced perspective of Kabbalah as an “umbrella” for a complex assemblage of mystical Jewish teachings and codification techniques. Kabbalah For Dummies also shows how Kabbalah simultaneously presents an approach to the study of text, the performance of ritual and the experience of worship, as well as how the reader can apply its teaching to everyday life.
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493 páginas impresas
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  • Betty Christine Brøstecompartió una citahace 6 años
    The placement of each sefirah on the Tree of Life gives insight into its nature. For example, Keter is on the top of the chart, and Malchut is on the bottom. This placement makes sense because Keter is known as the sefirah of connection, the primary connection between God and the world, symbolically coming from above, and Malchut is the primary connection between humans and the world and is seen as the final sefirah, a summation of all the others. One can picture Keter pouring down from above through the crown of each person. Malchut, on the other hand, is on the bottom because it’s the goal of creation, the physical universe and all that’s contained within it.
  • Betty Christine Brøstecompartió una citahace 6 años
    Malchut can be seen as the fruits of all one’s labor. Whereas Yesod is the sefirah that corresponds to the penis or phallus (see the preceding section), Malchut corresponds to the feminine form of the divine. The connection between the Yesod and Malchut is a kind of cosmic sexual union that ultimately gives birth to all the activity in the world.
  • Betty Christine Brøstecompartió una citahace 6 años
    Keter doesn’t refer to a human body part but rather refers to a royal crown sitting on top of a head. This depiction offers a hint at the meaning behind Keter.
    Keter is often referred to as the divine will and the source of all delight and pleasure. Keter contains all the other sefirot in it, and it’s often said that Keter activates the soul from above. Kabbalists suggest that one should picture God sending divine light and power down through the top of the head, infusing the entire body with all of its abilities and qualities.
    Keter is considered to be the link between the infinite world of God and the finite

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