Chuck Palahniuk,Richard Thomas,Dennis Widmyer,Widmyer

Burnt Tongues: An Anthology of Transgressive Short Stories

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293 páginas impresas
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Publicación original
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Titan Books
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  • Prince Ireyecompartió su opiniónhace 4 años
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  • Prince Ireyecompartió una citahace 4 años
    Some beliefs die hard, and when they shudder their last breath, it shakes your insides like a million butterflies are trapped in your chest. A feeling like dying, like fear, like falling
  • nitrushinacompartió una citahace 3 años
    Still others found themselves declared mentally insane for possessing traits applauded in men but inappropriate for women. Assertiveness. Questioning authority. Self-dependence.
  • nitrushinacompartió una citahace 3 años
    For every incident you probably didn’t survive, there’d be as many alternate lives where you improbably did.

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