They struggle to find the right words to say or the right state of mind to properly connect at the same time. This lack of communication leads to arguments and fights which only make the problem worse, allowing emotions to spiral out of control and feelings to get hurt. It’s common for two people who love each other more than anything to lay awake at night crying, one in their bed and the other on the couch, each wishing their partner could see things the way they do. Many relationships are characterized not by mutual support but by petty fights and bickering that never seem to end. Couples fail to listen to each other or approach problem’s together, instead preferring to focus on who’s to blame or who’s done something to hurt the other. Instead of showing love and affection to one another, there is more often than not an atmosphere of tension and resentment. All of these issues ultimately boil down to a lack of effective, calm, empathetic, loving communication.