Raimon Samsó

The money code

The “money game” has its own rules, do you know them?

You can´t lose the"the money game" whit this book.

Do you want to achieve financial independence?
Do you want more time and a new lifestyle?
Would you like to double your income every year?…

If you answered affirmatively, this reading will provide you with these answers and a new mindset about money and wealth. “The Money Code” contains everything you need to know to win your financial freedom.

“The Money Code” will reveal what you have never been taught at school, at university, or at home about money (simply because you do not know it) so that you will be free, wise and rich.

Gain financial freedom with passive incomes and create multiple cash flow streams. I will show you how.

Raimon Samsó, author of 24 books, world expert in money and conscience.

Do you want to discover the Code that opens the safe of prosperity?
Open the book and start reading… for a new leaving
245 páginas impresas
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  • carolinemorongwa1compartió una citahace 8 meses
    People who choose to increase their income in the medium term (they work for assets).
  • carolinemorongwa1compartió una citahace 8 meses
    People who need to earn money immediately (they work for money).
  • b0093373578compartió una citahace 2 años
    Innovation: everything that smells fresh.

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