Paul Tremblay

Disappearance at Devil's Rock

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Late one summer night, Elizabeth Sanderson receives the devastating news that every mother fears: her 13-year-old son, Tommy, has vanished in the woods of a local park. Riddled with worry, pain, and guilt, Elizabeth is wholly unprepared for the strange series of events that follow. As the search grows more desperate, and the implications of what happened become more haunting and sinister, no one is prepared for the shocking truth about that night.
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371 páginas impresas
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Titan Books
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  • kravencompartió una citahace 2 años
    But ghosts aren’t white or bright. Ghosts are shadows of someone or something gone wrong. Maybe she’s the opposite, the film negative of a ghost, then, which is something that hasn’t been given a name yet. This film-negative ghost-her isn’t doing the haunting and is instead haunted by everyone (including herself) and everything.
  • kravencompartió una citahace 2 años
    With the avalanche of stress, the lack of sleep, continued red-line-level caffeine intake, Elizabeth’s heart races through a two-minute punk song of beats.
  • kravencompartió una citahace 2 años
    That Tommy wasn’t more popular at school was at times a mystery, given that he was graceful, tall, handsome, and not totally blighted with acne. But it was this punched-in-the-gut posture Tommy carried throughout most of the day at school, as though some unseen sadness manifested in him physically and the desperate herds of classmates could sense this flaw, this otherness, within him. No one picked on Tommy or made fun of him like they did Luis and Josh; they stayed away from Tommy, and maybe that was worse.

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