bookmate game
Sarah J. Maas

The Assassin and the Pirate Lord

On a remote island in a tropical sea, Celaena Sardothien, feared assassin, has come for retribution. She's been sent by the Assassin's Guild to collect on a debt they are owed by the Lord of the Pirates. But when Celaena learns that the agreed payment is not in money, but in slaves, her mission suddenly changes — and she will risk everything to right the wrong she's been sent to bring about.
76 páginas impresas
Año de publicación
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  • b6609065480compartió su opiniónhace 2 años
    👍Me gustó

    I love the whole series of Sarah j maaa

  • emmaburcarcompartió su opiniónhace 4 años
    👍Me gustó

    Absolutely amazing series! It was so much fun to read.

  • Michelle Ferracompartió su opiniónhace 5 años
    👍Me gustó
    🎯Justo en el blanco

    Una maravillosa vista a la vida de Celaena antes de Trono de Cristal. 100% recomendable


  • testbeercompartió una citaayer
    She cocked her head. “As you said, I don’t need an introduction. And as for the privilege of seeing my beautiful face, I’m afraid that’s something few men receive.”
  • testbeercompartió una citaayer
    Celaena walked to the wooden desk and picked up a piece of paper, her black-gloved hands turning it over to read the contents.

    Si no puedes

  • testbeercompartió una citaayer
    Ben. Ben was dead and gone, and she’d never again run into him in the halls of the Keep. He’d never set her injuries with his cool, deft hands, never coax a laugh from her with a joke or a lewd anecdote.

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