Elliott O'Donnell

Alleged Counterparts of the Banshee

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Varla Ventura, fan favorite on Huffington Post's Weird News, frequent guest on Coast to Coast, and bestselling author of he Book of the Bizarre and Beyond Bizarre, introduces a new Weiser Books Collection of forgotten crypto-classics. Magical Creatures is a hair-raising herd of affordable digital editions, curated with Varla's affectionate and unerring eye for the fantastic. Perhaps themost feared creature in Irish fairy lore, the Banshee is the ghostly, female apparition whose shriek portents the demise of a loved one. Elliot O'Donnell explores the terrifying Banshee-equivalents of cultures around the world from the Highland Castles of Scotland to the seaside villages of Italy and his tales of these creatures make the Irish Banshee look like nothing more than a cherubic Christmas-caroler.
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