Elsie Silver


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  • Gwaeulcompartió una citahace 8 días
    “And I especially like her now. I’m not sad about Vivi. The only thing I’m sad about is not being there for Winter earlier. But that’s my cross to bear. So, if you’re looking for a person to commiserate with about how awful she is, you need to find someone else.”
  • Gwaeulcompartió una citahace 8 días
    “I’ve always liked Winter. I liked her when you told me stories about her before I met her. I liked her the first time I laid eyes on her at the shitty gas station on the corner of Rosewood and Main. I liked her when she yelled I must have a small dick.”
  • Gwaeulcompartió una citahace 8 días
    “Watch your fucking tone when you’re talking to the mother of my child.”
  • Harrietcompartió una citael mes pasado
    It means . . . I live you. Like I see you everywhere, you are in everything. Our connection is more than physical.”
  • Harrietcompartió una citael mes pasado
    “Te vivo, baby girl.”
  • Harrietcompartió una citael mes pasado
    Doesn’t much matter who she’s dancing with when her eyes are on you.”
  • Harrietcompartió una citael mes pasado
    I’ve always liked Winter. I liked her when you told me stories about her before I met her. I liked her the first time I laid eyes on her at the shitty gas station on the corner of Rosewood and Main. I liked her when she yelled I must have a small dick.” Rhett’s face is a mix of confusion and disbelief. “And I especially like her now. I’m not sad about Vivi. The only thing I’m sad about is not being there for Winter earlier. But that’s my cross to bear. So, if you’re looking for a person to commiserate with about how awful she is, you need to find someone else.”
  • Harrietcompartió una citael mes pasado
    “That’s a fascinating assessment, Winter. But I’m not pretending a single fucking thing. Because for a year and a half all I’ve had to do is remember you and me that night to be stuck walking around all day like this.”
  • Harrietcompartió una citael mes pasado
    His eyes slice over to mine, busting me. Again. “I’m not. Yet.”
  • Harrietcompartió una citael mes pasado
    , Winter. You’re my only baby mama.”
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