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Agatha Christie

A Pocket Full of Rye

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In Agatha Christie’s classic, A Pocket Full of Rye, the bizarre death of a financial tycoon has Miss Marple investigating a very odd case of crime by rhyme.
Rex Fortescue, king of a financial empire, was sipping tea in his “counting house” when he suffered an agonizing and sudden death. On later inspection, the pockets of the deceased were found to contain traces of cereals.
Yet, it was the incident in the parlor which confirmed Miss Marple’s suspicion that here she was looking at a case of crime by rhyme. . . .
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211 páginas impresas
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  • Фелиция Белковаcompartió su opiniónhace 4 años
    👍Me gustó

    отличное чтиво для b1! много полезной лексики, увлекательный сюжет

  • Manuel Canocompartió su opiniónhace 7 años


  • Margo Fernandezcompartió su opiniónhace 4 años
    👍Me gustó


  • Фелиция Белковаcompartió una citahace 4 años
    was an urbane man whose discretion was concealed habitually by a misleadingly forthcoming manner.
  • Фелиция Белковаcompartió una citahace 4 años
    Though she had achieved leisure by her marriage with a well-to-do man, leisure had not satisfied her. She bought clothes, read novels and ate sweets, but he remembered her avid excitement on the night of Rex Fortescue’s death, and he saw in it not so much a ghoulish satisfaction but rather a revelation of the arid deserts of boredom which encompassed her life. Her eyelids fluttered and fell before his searching glance. They gave her the appearance of being both nervous and guilty, but he could not be sure that that was really the case.
  • Фелиция Белковаcompartió una citahace 4 años
    He had realized, astutely, that the one chink in the armour of Mary Dove’s inscrutability was her pleasure in her own efficiency

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