Rhena Branch,Rob Willson

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Dummies

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«We all have aspects of ourselves that we would like to change, but many of us believe that a leopard can't change its spots — if that's you, stop there! Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Dummies will help identify unhealthy modes of thinking — such as “a leopard can't change it's spots”! — that have been holding you back from the changes you want. CBT can help whether you're seeking to overcome anxiety and depression, boost self-esteem, lose weight, beat addiction or simply improve your outlook in your professional and personal life.»
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  • Ian Copplecompartió una citahace 7 años
    CBT involves identifying thoughts, beliefs, and meanings that are activated when you’re feeling emotionally disturbed. If you assign less extreme, more helpful, more accurate meanings to negative events, you are likely to experience less extreme, less disturbing emotional and behavioural responses
  • Ian Copplecompartió una citahace 7 años
    The main point is to be able to analyse your thoughts and behaviours, and to take notice of where your attention is focused
  • Ian Copplecompartió una citahace 7 años
    Concentration exercise: Taking a walk
    For this exercise, walk through a park, paying attention to what you hear, see, feel, and smell. Focus your attention for a few minutes on different aspects of the world around you. First, focus your attention mainly to what you can hear. Then shift your attention to focus on smells, and then on to the feel of your feet on the ground, and so on

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