Andrea Dworkin

Woman Hating

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186 páginas impresas
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  • Rory Bernecompartió su opiniónhace 5 años
    💡He aprendido mucho


  • Rory Bernecompartió una citahace 5 años
    Heterosexuality, which is properly defined as the ritualized behavior built on polar role definition, and the social institutions related to it (marriage, the family, the Church, ad infinitum) are “human nature. ”
  • Rory Bernecompartió una citahace 5 años
    As individuals, we experience ourselves as the center of whatever social world we inhabit. We think that we are free and refuse to see that we are functions of our particular culture.
  • Rory Bernecompartió una citahace 5 años
    We are programmed by the culture as surely as rats are programmed to make the arduous way through the scientist’s maze, and that programming operates on every level of choice and action.

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