
A Joosr Guide to #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

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In today's fast-paced world, it's tough to find the time to read. But with Joosr guides, you can get the key insights from bestselling non-fiction titles in less than 20 minutes. Whether you want to gain knowledge on the go or find the books you'll love, Joosr's brief and accessible eBook summaries fit into your life. Find out more at joosr.com.

Have you have ever dreamed of becoming a business mogul, actress, photographer, or writer? Let the ultimate #GIRLBOSS give you her life lessons on how to achieve your own vision of an awesome life.

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso is a how-to manual to success wrapped up in a rags-to-riches story. Amoruso was never one to conform to mainstream ideologies. She shows her readers that they don't have to either. With a dream, a willingness to learn along the way, determination, and hard work, success can be yours!

You will learn:

· Why visualizing what you want is important, but only if you back it up with action

· How money can buy you freedom if you escape being a slave to credit

· Why creativity is the key to success in everything you do.
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  • Полина Ростоваcompartió una citahace 9 años
    Picture what you want to achieve and then make it happen
  • karrrrrrrcompartió una citahace 7 años
    While they may understand the importance of hard work, #GIRLBOSS drives home the point that you need to couple that with a “never-quit” attitude and a strong belief that you can be successful.
  • Itzel Castellanoscompartió una citahace 4 años
    A #GIRLBOSS isn’t afraid of work, even if it means doing something not on her job description

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