Robert L.Fish

Moonlight Gardener

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A small-town sheriff investigates a bizarre disappearanceNobody could blame Charley Crompton for wanting to kill his wife. For years she's made his life hell. One night they have a terrible fight, loud enough for Mrs. Williams next door to hear every word, and the argument is followed by eerie silence. The next thing Mrs. Williams knows, Charley is digging up the peach tree in his backyard and burying it again. When Mrs. Crompton doesn't reappear, Mrs. Williams has only one thought on her mind: Mrs. Crompton has been murdered.When the local sheriff knocks on the Cromptons' door, Charley answers holding a bloody ax. As the circumstantial evidence piles up, the police are forced to decide: Is Charley Crompton a cold-blooded killer? Or has he simply lost his mind?
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37 páginas impresas
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Head of Zeus
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