bookmate game
Henry James

Daisy Miller

Henry James' 1878 publication that brought him international fame, “Daisy Miller” is subtitled “A Study in Two Parts.” The plot centers around a Europeanized American man named Winterbourne, who meets a nouveau riche American woman going by the name Daisy Miller. A short novel, James wields the sword of fiction to craft a “study” of the roles of men and women, social relationships, cultural intersection, the allure of money, foolishness and wisdom, the responsibilities of parents, and the impact of one's life upon others.
89 páginas impresas
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  • Дарья Шевченкоcompartió su opiniónhace 2 años

  • Melany Reinosocompartió su opiniónhace 5 años
    👍Me gustó
    🎯Justo en el blanco
    🌴Perfecto para la playa


  • Tine Raabyemaglecompartió una citahace 5 años
    rustled her skirts in the corkscrew staircases, flirted back with a pretty little cry and a shudder from the edge of the oubliettes, and turned a singularly well-shaped ear to everything that Winterbourne told her about the place.
  • Tine Raabyemaglecompartió una citahace 5 años
    She looked at him a moment and then burst into a little laugh. "I like to make you say those things!
  • Tine Raabyemaglecompartió una citahace 5 años
    He had been a little afraid that she would talk loud, laugh overmuch, and even, perhaps, desire to move about the boat a good deal. But he quite forgot his fears; he sat smiling, with his eyes upon her face, while, without moving from her place, she delivered herself of a great number of original reflections

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