Victoria Aveyard

Queen Song (Red Queen Novella)

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  • Drea Ncompartió una citael mes pasado
    How could servants create such beauty and still be considered inferior? They are capable of wonders different from our own.
  • Drea Ncompartió una citael mes pasado
    As she passed them, still clutching Julian’s hand, Coriane felt less like a lady, and more like a prisoner being led into her cell.
  • Drea Ncompartió una citahace 2 meses
    There is nothing so terrible as a story untold.
  • jeanzZzzZzcompartió una citahace 2 meses
    And three for the miscarriages she suffered over the years.
  • jeanzZzzZzcompartió una citahace 2 meses
    Only when someone else sees worth in me does he condescend to do the same.
  • jeanzZzzZzcompartió una citahace 2 meses
    I am not someone I recognize. Is this what growing up means?
  • jeanzZzzZzcompartió una citahace 2 meses
    They wondered if Tiberias was like his father, preferring men to women—but even then, he was bound to choose a queen to bear him sons of his own.
  • jeanzZzzZzcompartió una citahace 2 meses
    There is no greater pain or punishment than memory.
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