bookmate game
P. G. Wodehouse

Much obliged, Jeeves

Just as Bertie Wooster is a member of the Drones Club, Jeeves has a club of his own, the Junior Ganymede, exclusively for butlers and gentlemen’s gentlemen. In its inner sanctum is kept the «Book of Revelations», where the less than perfect habits of their employers are lovingly recorded. The book is, of course, pure dynamite. So what happens when it disappears into potentially hostile hands? Tossed about in the resulting whirlwind you’ll find lots of Wodehouse’s favourite characters — and a welcome return to Market Snodsbury, in the middle of one of the most chaotic elections of modern times.
183 páginas impresas
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  • Make-Believe Worldcompartió su opiniónhace 7 años

    Оставим это пока как первую книгу, где Дживс вёл себя молодцом и не выставлял Берти сумасшедшим/клептоманом, не отправлял ночью под дождем на велосипедную прогулку и даже не потребовал избавиться от галстука

  • Mita Rungtacompartió su opiniónhace 2 años
    👍Me gustó

    Lighthearted and sunny, with some LOL humour. Take a walk in a simplified version of life as it used to be, when viewed through P G Wodehouse's rose tinted glasses.

  • stoodycompartió su opiniónhace 4 años

    im a fan; reading the whole series, this one was not the funniest or most interesting but it chuffs along happily enough, as always there is plenty of wisdom to be gleaned from studying Jeeve's remarks and the annals of Bertie W W are now updated for me.

    Still trying to arrive at an opinion regarding Jeeves's relationship to BW; it is avuncular , patient and could possibly even be described as loving.


  • Максим Сметанинcompartió una citahace 4 años
    Full many a glorious morning have I seen flatter the mountain tops with sovereign eye, kissing with golden
  • Максим Сметанинcompartió una citahace 4 años
    'A most satisfactory state of affairs, sir.'
  • b6264815086compartió una citahace 5 años
    Seppings,' I said, 'I want Jeeves. Where is he?'
    'In the Servants' Hall, sir, comforting the parlourmaid.'

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