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Grace Goodwin

Grace Goodwin is an American author of science fiction and paranormal novels where the genres are mixed. Her books have been translated into nine languages. As the writer states more than a million copies of her books have been sold.

'Grace Goodwin' is a pen name that hides behind the award-winning writing duo Michele Callahan and her best friend Vanessa Vale. This is the reason why it is so difficult to find a picture of the author.

Michele is a science fiction geek and a full-time author. Vanessa is a graphic designer who makes the covers for books by Grace Goodwin. They are both mothers, escape room enthusiasts, and avid readers.

Here's a biography of Grace Goodwin based on interviews that she has given out at various times.

At six, she watched “Star Wars” and wanted to create her own sci-fi stories. Her passion for books was supported by her mother, an English teacher. Grace grew up in the country with no neighbors — so she always read. She started the first “novel” on notebook paper when she was eleven.

Grace also admits to being inspired by books with strong women who take risks and follow their paths. Among her favorite books are Nalini Singh’s “Psy/Changeling” series, “Dragonflight” by Anne McCaffrey, “The Blue Sword” by Robin McKinley, and the early Anita Blake books by Laurell K Hamilton.

Grace Goodwin has now written more than 20 novels and has no intention to stop. She is a USA Today and international bestselling author. In the future, she plans to experiment in the Young Adult sci-fi/paranormal genre.

The author is best known for “Interstellar Brides”. It's a series of novels featuring one central story and various spin-offs set. Interstellar brides are women sourced from all corners of the galaxy whose job it is to love the men-warriors to whom they have been assigned with all their hearts.

Grace Goodwin currently probably resides in Colorado.

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custom demands. You will always be cared for and protected. Always.” While he stroked a finger down my cheek, he added, “I have been too soft with you. I understand now why the protocols for claiming a bride were written. I shall not break them again, nor give you an excuse to choose another.” He took my chin and tilted it up with his thumb. I couldn’t help but meet his amber gaze. “Forgive me, mate. I will see to your care now, as I should have from the beginning. I will not fail you again.”

For some reason, his mercurial mood swings, from sexually aggressive, to anger, to this tenderness, made my eyes burn. What the heck was wrong with me? Was it the possibility of imminent death? Was it the transport? Had it scrambled my brain? I had no idea what to say, so I simply nodded.

“Good girl.” He stood and I immediately missed the warmth of his leg pressed to my thigh through the sheet. When his back was turned, I licked my lips, where his exotic taste lingered around my mouth.

He strode to the door with purpose, waited for it to slide open and nodded to someone I could not see. He turned around and another male followed him back into the room. They looked similar, but the other Prillon warrior had dark gray eyes. He did not wear the mottled armor that Zane wore, but a deep green with an odd symbol on his chest that I did not recognize.

“This is Doctor Mordin. He will complete your examination now.”

I froze and held the sheet tightly to my chest. “I had a complete examination on Earth. I don’t need another one. They confirmed my health. Surely, they sent you a report.”

Zane crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. “Hannah, you will obey me in this and allow the doctor to complete your exami

egyedi igények. Mindig gondoskodni és védeni fognak. Mindig."Miközben az ujját az arcomon simogatta, hozzátette:" túl puha voltam veled. Most már értem, miért írták a menyasszony igénylésének jegyzőkönyveit. Nem fogom újra megtörni őket, és nem adok ürügyet arra, hogy másikat válasszon."Fogta az állam, és feldöntötte a hüvelykujjával. Nem tudtam segíteni, de találkoztam a borostyán tekintetével. "Bocsáss meg, haver. Gondoskodom rólad, ahogy kezdettől fogva kellett volna. Nem hagylak cserben még egyszer.”

Valamilyen oknál fogva a higanyos hangulati ingadozása, a szexuálisan agresszív, a haragra, erre a gyengédségre, megégette a szemem. Mi a fene volt velem? A közelgő halál lehetősége volt? A szállítás miatt? Összekeverték az agyamat? Fogalmam sem volt, mit mondjak, így egyszerűen bólintottam.

"Jó kislány."Felállt, és azonnal hiányzott a lábának melege, amelyet a lepedőn keresztül a combomhoz nyomtak. Amikor hátat fordított, megnyaltam az ajkaimat, ahol egzotikus íze a szám körül maradt.

Szándékosan lépett az ajtóhoz, várta, hogy kinyíljon, és bólintott valakinek, akit nem láttam. Megfordult, és egy másik férfi követte vissza a szobába. Hasonlónak tűntek, de a másik Prilloni harcosnak sötétszürke szeme volt. Nem azt a foltos páncélt viselte, amelyet Zane viselt, hanem egy mélyzöld, furcsa szimbólummal a mellkasán, amelyet nem ismertem fel.

"Ez itt dr. Mordin. Most fejezi be a vizsgálatot.”

Megfagytam, és szorosan a mellkasomhoz tartottam a lepedőt. "Teljes vizsgálatot végeztem a Földön. Nem kell még egy. Megerősítették az egészségemet. Bizonyára küldtek egy jelentést.”

Zane keresztbe tette a karját, és felhúzta a szemöldökét. "Hannah, engedelmeskedj nekem ebben, és hagyd, hogy az orvos befejezze a vizsgá


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