
Douglas Smith

American writer, historian and translator best known for his books about the history of Russia.
vida del autor: 7 Noviembre 1962 actualidad


Alena Shlyakhovayacompartió una citahace 2 años
see whether the man he had come to arrest would survive.
Alena Shlyakhovayacompartió una citahace 2 años
A revolution made in the name of the poor would destroy their lives in even greater numbers than those of the rich, the revolution’s original targets.
Alena Shlyakhovayacompartió una citahace 2 años
even at the darkest depths of the terror, daily life went on: men and women fell in love; children were born; friends gathered; simple pleasures were cherished. Ultimately, Former People is a testament to humans’ remarkable ability to find happiness even amid the most harrowing of circumstances.
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