Biteback Publishing

Biteback is Britain’s leading publisher of political and current affairs titles. Based in central London, we also publish history, memoir, espionage, sport and general non-fiction.


Roberto Garzacompartió una citael mes pasado
But there was little that was normal about mine and our family’s relationship with Dad. I certainly didn’t love him, whatever that meant.
Nickolay Ovchinnikovcompartió una citael mes pasado
The US Government sent 10,000 medical kits, 20,000 blankets, $30 million cash, and today the people of New Orleans said: ‘They did what?’
Nickolay Ovchinnikovcompartió una citael mes pasado
America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room. Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair.
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