Rich Israel


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Do you have the courage to follow your dreams?

In this delightful coming-of-age memoir, Rich Israel takes off on a journey of self-discovery during the late 1960s. Renouncing societal norms, he hitchhikes across the country, works at a circus, and rides a horse hundreds of miles through the Rocky Mountain wilderness—all the while, the draft and Vietnam War are nipping at his heels.

Join Rich and his canine companion, Charlie, as they encounter one colorful character after another, from a loudmouthed carnival boss to an ax-loving dishwasher to a sultry flower child, whose bewitching powers lead to lust and longing—and heartbreak. A consummate storyteller, Rich peppers his writing with wit and sensitivity, as well as insights often revealed through mind-blowing acid trips.

Against the backdrop of a unique period in American history, Groovin' is certain to warm your heart, bring a smile to your face, and inspire you to make every day an adventure.
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